Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Crunch Time!

  So the day has finally come... the website launched!
My stomach feels all rumbly with nervous excitement. We had a few kinks to work out at first, but things seem to be going smoothly thusfar. We already have three vendor applications in our first day! 
  For anyone who is interested, this is our site:
  The pressure is on now to weigh in on the pros and cons of every vendor application. This is the downside to having limited space. So many cool vendors, so few spaces to put them. 
  It's funny how things that don't even occur to you normally suddenly come to mind when things get hectic. I spent most of the day sending hurried e-mails, shamelessly promoting, making excel spreadsheets, and fielding questions from all angles. It's almost 1:30 am and I'm just now finally settling down, satisfied that I've done enough today to make the next couple of months go much more smoothly for us during this process, though I can't shake the feeling that there's always more to be done! 
  Well... there's always tomorrow.